You must start working on the projects as soon as they are assigned to detect any problems and to address them with us well before the deadline so that we have time to get back to you.
Plenty of time will be provided for the completion of the project. Don’t wait for the last minute. There will be no extension or negotiation about project grades after the submission deadline.
Project 3: Profémon!
Well done! You’ve made it to the final project of the semester! Time to take the stage with your Profémons and prepare for the final battle!
In project 2, you learned how classes can be helpful to group data together into one package. However, classes can offer so much more than that! This project will test your knowledge about classes through the application of object-oriented programming.
Work incrementally! Work through the tasks sequentially (implement and test). Only move on to a task when you are positive that the previous one has been completed correctly. Remember that the function prototypes and global-variables must be exactly as specified in this project specification. Lastly, do NOT use any libraries that we haven’t learned yet in class. If you don’t understand this project specification and its requirements, ask for clarification before you proceed. TEST YOUR CODE BEFORE SUBMITTING!!!
Task A: Gotta Catch Em’ All
Define and implement the Skill and Profemon class with a header and a source file (From now on, when you implement a class, assume you will implement two files: .hpp and .cpp).
The Skill class must have the following information stored in their private member variables:
- The name of the skill
- The description of the skill
- The total number of times the skill can be used
- An integer that represents the specialty of the skill (0, 1 or 2)
The Skill class must have the following in it’s public access modifier:
@post : Initializes the name and
description of the skill as
"Undefined". Initializes the
total uses of the skill and
the skill specialty as -1
@post : Parameterized constructor that
sets the corresponding data members
equal to the respective parameters
Skill(std::string name, std::string description, int specialty, int uses);
@return : name of the skill
std::string getName();
@return : description of the skill
std::string getDescription();
@return : total uses of the skill
int getTotalUses();
@return : specialty of the skill
int getSpecialty();
@post : set the name of the skill
equal to the given parameter
void setName(std::string name);
@post : set the description of the skill
equal to the given parameter
void setDescription(std::string description);
@post : set the total uses of the skill
equal to the given parameter
void setTotalUses(int uses);
@return : Return 'true' if the given parameter
is either 0, 1 or 2. Otherwise,
return 'false'
@post : set the specialty of the skill
equal to the given parameter only
if the given parameter is valid (0,1,2)
Return 'true' if the specialty
is successfully updated
bool setSpecialty(int specialty);
The header file of the Profemon class must have an enumeration type called “Specialty” with three possible values: ML, SOFTWARE, and HARDWARE in this exact order. The enum should be defined outside the class.
The Profemon class must have the following information stored in their private member variables:
- The name of the profémon
- The level of the profémon
- The required experience to level up
- The current experience
- The maximum health level
- The specialty of the profémon
- A 'Skill' array of size 3 containing skills learned by the profémon
The Profemon class must have the following in it’s public access modifier:
@post : Initializes the name of the profémon
as "Undefined"
@post : Initializes the name, max health
and specialty as the corresponding
parameters. Set the required
experience equal to 50.
Initializes the current experience
and level as 0
Profemon(std::string name, double max_health, Specialty specialty);
@return : name of the profémon
std::string getName();
@return : specialty of the profémon
Specialty getSpecialty();
@return : level of the profémon
int getLevel();
@return : maximum health of the profémon
double getMaxHealth();
@post : set the name of the profémon
equal to the given parameter
void setName(std::string name);
@param : experience points earned by the profémon
@post : Increase the profémon's level based on
the given 'exp'. The profémon will level
up if it reaches the required experience.
Depending on the profémon's specialty,
the required experience goes up by a certain
amount everytime the profémon levels up.
'ML' required experience goes up by 10,
'SOFTWARE' goes up by 15, and 'HARDWARE'
goes up by 20. Make sure to update the
required, current experience and level
private data members accordingly. The given
'exp' can result in the profémon leveling
up multiple times
For example : starting at lvl 0, calling 'levelUp(115)'
on different types of profémon would result
in the following:
- new level: 2
- current exp: 5
- required exp: 70
- new level: 2
- current exp: 0
- required exp: 80
- new level: 1
- current exp: 65
- required exp: 70
As stated above, each specialty has
a different speed of leveling up
void levelUp(int exp);
@param : the skill slot or index
@param : the new skill to be learned
@return : return 'true' if the skill has been successfully
learned. Return 'false' if 'slot' parameters is
not within the valid range(0,1,2) or the
specialty of the 'skill' does not match
the specialty of the profémon
@post : if the given slot is valid(0,1,2) and the
skill specialty matched with the profémon,
add the 'skill' to the 'slot' index of the
learned skills array
bool learnSkill(int slot, Skill skill);
@param : bool indicating whether or not the profémon's
skills should be printed
@post : Prints the profémon's information in a
specific format. Additionally, lists
the profémon's skills if the given
'print_skills' parameter is true. Only
print the skills that are not "Undefined"
(ProfemonName) [(Specialty)] | lvl (Level) | exp (CurrentExp)/(RequiredExp) | hp (MaxHP)
(SkillNameSlot0) [(Uses)] : (description of skill in slot 0)
(SkillNameSlot1) [(Uses)] : (description of skill in slot 1)
(SkillNameSlot2) [(Uses)] : (description of skill in slot 2)
For example:
Maryash [SOFTWARE] | lvl 2 | exp 30/80 | hp 13500
OOP [30] : a programming paradigm based on the concept of objects
Vector [30] : a c++ dynamic array library
Pointer [10] : a pointer stores a memory address
Note: There are four spaces before the each line of skills.
The last line prints an endline.
void printProfemon(bool print_skills);
You will submit the following files to gradescope:
In the world of Profémon, trainers are always busy training their beloved profémons for the battles to come. They are looking to challenge departments to a profémon battle and gain a degree. Departments are trainers who specialize in a single type of profémon. Since we have a working profémon class, it’s time to implement the Trainer class and some department classes which will inherit from the Trainer class.
Each trainer has a team of three profémons and a profédex. The profédex serves as a storage for all the profémons collected by the trainer. Each trainer also has a profémon which they choose to accompany them on their adventures!
Since the Department classes will inherit from the Trainer, the Trainer class should have the following protected data members:
- A vector of profémons which represents a profedéx
- A profémon array of size 3 which represents the trainer's current team
- A pointer to a profémon which is currently selected from the team
The Trainer class must have the following in it’s public access modifier:
@post : Initializes the pointer to the currently
selected profémon as 'nullptr'
@param : a vector of profémons
@post : Adds the profémons from given parameter
vector to the team and the profédex. If
the team is full, add the profémons to
the profedéx. Maintain the order of the
given 'profemons' vector. Assume that
the parameter vector has atleast one
item. Select the profémon at 0 index of
the team array to accompany the trainer
Trainer(std::vector <Profemon> profemons);
@param : the name of a profémon
@return : 'true' if profémon with given name is in
the team or profedex, otherwise 'false'
@post : return 'true' if the profémon with the name
same as the given parameter is found either
in current team, or in the profédex. Return
false if the profémon is not found
bool contains(std::string name);
@param : a profémon that is to be added
@return : boolean indicating successful add operation
@post : Add the given parameter profémon to the team
or the profedex. Only add the profemon to
profédex if the current team is full. If the
profémon is being added to the team, add it
to the smallest index possible. The profémon
can't be added if another profémon with the
same name already exists in the team or
the profédex
bool addProfemon(Profemon profemon);
@param : the name of the profémon that is to be removed
@return : boolean indicating successful remove operation
@post : remove the profémon with the given name from
the current team or the profédex. If the profémon
is removed from the profédex, make sure the order
of the remaining profémons is maintained. If the
profémon is on the team, it should be swapped
with an empty profémon object. The profémon
cannot be removed if no profémon with the given
name exists in the team or the profédex.
Hint : What is the default value of the profémons in an
empty array of 'Profemon' objects?
bool removeProfemon(std::string name);
@param : integer representing a slot in the team (0,1 or 2)
@param : name of the profémon that is to be added to the team
@post : assuming that a profémon with the given 'name' exists
in the profédex and given 'slot' is valid (0,1,2), add
the profémon to the team at the given slot. If the slot
already contains a profémon, swap the profémon with the
profémon that is being added to the team. If the 'slot'
doesn't contain a profémon, move the profémon from the
profédex to the slot
For example :
Let's suppose the current team array is: ["Enxhi", "Undefined", "Kimberly"]
And profédex is: ["Sadab", "Yoomin", "Zilola", "Brandon"]
If we call 'setTeamMember(1,"Yoomin")', the team and profédex becomes:
Team: ["Enxhi", "Yoomin", "Kimberly"]
Profédex: ["Sadab", "Zilola", "Brandon"]
The profémon is moved to the team's empty slot (Undefined means empty)
However, if we call 'setTeamMember(0,"Zilola")':
Team: ["Zilola", "Undefined", "Kimberly"]
Profédex: ["Sadab", "Yoomin", "Enxhi", "Brandon"]
The profémon is swapped with the profémon in slot 0
void setTeamMember(int slot, std::string name);
@param : integer representing a slot in the team (0,1 or 2)
@return : 'true' if the profémon at given slot is successfully
chosen. Otherwise, return 'false'
@post : choose a profemon to accompany the Trainer from the
team (refers to the pointer Profemon data member).
The profémon cannot be chosen if the given slot
doesn't contain a profémon. Assume that the given
'slot' is valid(0,1,2)
Hint : What is the name of the objects in an empty
profémon array?
bool chooseProfemon(int slot);
@return : profémon that is currently accompanying the trainer
Profemon getCurrent();
@post : prints profémons in the profédex in a specific format
Format :
(Profemon1Name) [(Specialty)] | lvl (Level) | exp (CurrentExp)/(RequiredExp) | hp (MaxHP)
(empty line)
(Profemon2Name) [(Specialty)] | lvl (Level) | exp (CurrentExp)/(RequiredExp) | hp (MaxHP)
(empty line)
(ProfemonName) [(Specialty)] | lvl (Level) | exp (CurrentExp)/(RequiredExp) | hp (MaxHP)
(empty line)
For example:
Maryash [SOFTWARE] | lvl 2 | exp 30/80 | hp 13500
Saad [HARDWARE] | lvl 3 | exp 20/110 | hp 15000
Raja [ML] | lvl 1 | exp 10/60 | hp 35000
Hint : The format looks familiar from Task A doesn't it?
void printProfedex();
@post : prints profémons in the team in a specific format.
Do not print "Undefined" profémons
Format :
(Profemon1Name) [(Specialty)] | lvl (Level) | exp (CurrentExp)/(RequiredExp) | hp (MaxHP)
(SkillNameSlot0) [(Uses)] : (description of skill in slot 0)
(SkillNameSlot1) [(Uses)] : (description of skill in slot 1)
(SkillNameSlot2) [(Uses)] : (description of skill in slot 2)
(empty line)
(Profemon2Name) [(Specialty)] | lvl (Level) | exp (CurrentExp)/(RequiredExp) | hp (MaxHP)
(SkillNameSlot0) [(Uses)] : (description of skill in slot 0)
(SkillNameSlot1) [(Uses)] : (description of skill in slot 1)
(SkillNameSlot2) [(Uses)] : (description of skill in slot 2)
(empty line)
(Profemon3Name) [(Specialty)] | lvl (Level) | exp (CurrentExp)/(RequiredExp) | hp (MaxHP)
(SkillNameSlot0) [(Uses)] : (description of skill in slot 0)
(SkillNameSlot1) [(Uses)] : (description of skill in slot 1)
(SkillNameSlot2) [(Uses)] : (description of skill in slot 2)
(empty line)
void printTeam();
Since you’ve been working so hard on this project, we will gift you the header file for the departments!
// This is an introductory comment
#include "trainer.hpp"
class MLDepartment: public Trainer{
MLDepartment(std::vector<Profemon> profemons);
bool addProfemon(Profemon profemon);
class SoftwareDepartment: public Trainer{
SoftwareDepartment(std::vector<Profemon> profemons);
bool addProfemon(Profemon profemon);
class HardwareDepartment: public Trainer{
HardwareDepartment(std::vector<Profemon> profemons);
bool addProfemon(Profemon profemon);
Use a single .cpp file to implement all the department classes’ functions and constructors. For each of the derived classes, you need to change the implementation of the constructors and the addProfemon() function so that only the profémons of that particular specialty is added. For example: the MLDepartment can only have profémons of ML specialty. For the parameterized constructor, the given parameter vector can have profémons of all specialties. Add only the specialty that the Department specializes in. You can assume that the parameter vector will have atleast one profémon of correct specialty.